Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS • September 12, 2021

Ways to shift your thoughts

As a paralegal coach, I am constantly asked by clients, friends, and the paralegal community for tips on shifting mindset.

Ways to shift your thoughts

  1. Commit to making a conscious effort to change the way you think by implementing all or a few of the suggestions listed below.
  2. Learn to meditate or mindfulness.
  3. Retrain your brain by noticing three positive changes per day.
  4. Listen to trusted outside perspectives.
  5. Make yourself vulnerable to others.
  6. Whenever you find yourself in a negative state of mind, make the conscious decision to shift into a state of appreciation and gratitude.
  7. Don't let fear guide your decision-making. Fear is temporary - regret, on the other hand, is permanent. 
Helping legal professionals learn a new way to think

Your #mindset is a muscle it can be strengthened and improved over time. Taking the time to work on your own development can be incredibly challenging; it helps to have a cheerleader or an accountability buddy.  Change is often uncomfortable, but it's necessary if you want to grow as a person; it's also satisfying when you see the positive results. 

Create Your Killer Mindset with an Empowerment Coach

Holly is an experienced in-demand paralegal and a mindset coach who helps legal professionals dismiss their inner critic, overcome imposter syndrome, and put them on the right track for professional and personal success.

This post does not provide legal or medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical or legal advice about one specific person or situation. This post is not a substitute for professional licensed medical or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore seeking medical treatment or legal advice for a medical or legal issue because of something you have read on the Best Virtual Paralegal site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911. 

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