Litigation Support

The Support You Need

Best Virtual Paralegal supports attorneys with all the aspects of a litigation-focused practice. Our paralegals can assist your litigation firm with scheduling, drafting, and developing plans for depositions, arbitrations, mediations, trials, and virtually any type of settlement meeting.

Litigation support services offered by Best Virtual Paralegal can include all of our trial and document support options, plus a few customized solutions for busy litigators!

Calendar Sharing and Docket Management


Do you need a floor plan designed to recreate a scene? Maybe you need a timeline of facts to display at trial? We can help you do that too!

Using various software and cloud-based technology, we can easily help you create excellent visuals to use at settlement conferences, meetings, and trials!

Calendar Sharing and Docket Management

Clients are welcome to share a copy of trial and appointment calendars via Google Calendar or Outlook.

If your firm hires our company for case management, pretrial, or trial, management, and development, granting us access to your calendars and schedules is required.

Our Litigation Support Services

Docket Management

Creation and Preparation of Exhibits and Exhibit Lists

Client Communication


PowerPoint Presentations

Evidence Logs and Other Work Product Documents

Organizing Evidence

Date Stamping and Scanning Services

Scheduling and Acting as a Liaison Between Attorneys and Court Reporters


Our expert paralegals help litigators develop, create, and present the best evidence using top-notch technology and state-of-the-art collaboration tools.

This is just the beginning of the litigation support Best Virtual Paralegal can provide to your litigation team!

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