There are a few fun ways to celebrate national coffee day; let us count the ways:
- Enjoy a cup of your favorite flavor of coffee with a friend. Bonus points if you can find a coffee house like Starbucks that has reopened (since Covid-19). Enjoy a cup of joe like it's 1990something at your local internet café.
- Host a coffee tasting with your colleagues and office mates.
- Recycle your coffee pods into little planters – DIY Time!
- Take a mindful break with your favorite flavor of coffee. As you take a sip, savor the sweet-sour taste of the coffee on your tongue, and so on. This classic mindfulness technique is an excellent way to practice focusing your mind on the moment.
So many legal professionals find it hard to leave the office at the office. We are so devoted to the profession, our clients, and helping people live better; it is easy to forget that we're not doing anyone any favors if we can't relax. Celebrating national coffee day for 15-to-20-minutes can improve your productivity, teamwork, motivation, and overall work-life balance by 25%. And you don't even have to be a true coffee lover to join in the fun.