Originally published 9/9/2009 Updated: 10/15/2021
A toxic job can be resigned at any time, but now might not be the right time, and where you are may not be the right place. Many compelling reasons exist for quitting your job. However, there are also several reasons to consider hanging on to your position before jumping ship. Best Virtual Paralegal has been asking its asked coaching clients in various areas of law, office size, and geographical region for decades, “how they know when not to quit a job,” many clients do not know.
Let’s be clear, no one here is telling you to stay in a toxic job. However, if your job is terrible for your health, you don’t have the fundamental things one should get from a job, i.e., security, growth, and value, then jump ship but do it wisely.
Here are the top 4 reasons for sticking with the job you have.
- You don’t have a plan. Leaving a steady income without a plan is potentially more harmful than the toxic environment you’re leaving. Most experts agree you should leave a role with a plan about what you will do, where you’ll go next, and how you will provide for your income until you find your next role, or your self-employment generates revenue for both you and your business idea. Therefore, it’s essential to plan an office departure strategically.
- You don’t have any savings. If you don’t have enough money in savings to hold you over until you find your next role, think twice about leaving. Let’s be clear, the only reason to stay in a job that toxic tear health and well-being are to save up enough living expenses for a certain number of months before you quit.
- You’re not done learning from your journey. Each role you will have during your career journey will serve a purpose. You will either have the position for a reason and a season. Or you will have the role for a season for a reason. Either way, it’s essential to evaluate whether you learn what you were supposed to learn from a position before moving on.
- The things you hate about your current role could change. Like I said earlier, if you want to quit, nobody is telling you to stay. However, if there is only one aspect of your current role you wish could change, then maybe that’s the universe telling you to be the one to stay and change it.
The bottom line is that work can be stressful. The best advice is to keep your cool, stay focused on your goals, and be willing to move forward. When making a career change, you should have a plan and alternate plans in case something unexpected happens. Making the decision to move on and succeeding at it is often a delicate balancing act.
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