Stress Awareness Relief Strategies

Holly Sheriff MSLS • April 1, 2021

Helping Legal Professional Handle Stress

Stress Awareness Month has been recognized every April since 1992, but this year as with last year, it seems important. Learning to cope with our anxiety and finding healthy ways to deal with these unpredictable times can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life.

As a certified happiness coach, I love helping legal professionals avoid burnout, stress, and anxiety in the workplace – that’s one reason our logo is a “panic button.” April is helpful in that department. Because it gives me a reason to focus on ways Best Virtual Paralegal LLC helps legal professionals reduce stress in their lives. Not just their professional lives but their personal lives too.

From minor challenges to significant crises, legal professionals are thrown into stressful situations daily. Stress is a part of life. While you can’t always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to frustration.

Short Term Stress Relief Strategies

Whether you have a discovery deadline glooming or you’re feeling overwhelmed by your immediate caseload, it is vital to have some stress reduction tools you can use immediately to reduce your tensions at work right now.

  1. Focus on breathing. Breathing techniques are great for refocusing your mojo/energy. Slow, deep breathing can calm your brain in just a few seconds. Breathing exercises can be done anywhere. The best news is the people around you won’t even notice you are doing them.
  2. Take a short walk or get up and walk away from your desk for a moment or two. The break-in consideration during frustrating moments can reduce stress quickly. If you go for a walk, allow yourself to enjoy the change in scenery. Walking is a simple, easy way to rejuvenate your body and soul.
  3. Engage in some positive self-talk. Develop a positive personal mantra (i.e., I got this, or everything is doable), then follow it up with something positive about yourself.

Frustration is an expected component of every legal professionals’ day. We’re problem solvers. Stress comes along with problems, but no rule says, “legal professionals have to let the tensions of solving other people’s problems ruin their day.”

If you need help managing your office’s stress, contact us for more information about our work-life balance services!

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