Career Burnout

Holly Sheriff MSLS • April 2, 2021

Career burnout happens to the best legal professionals; the causes may include being in one job too long; being in the same role too long; not feeling satisfied in your role because of high turnover with your co-workers, major changes in your personal life that have changed your values, or you are simply overwhelmed by working too much. As a result, you are less engaged and less invested in your success to the point your productivity suffers.

The good news is career burnout is treatable, and you don’t need to see a doctor or a therapist—career burnout one of those things that can be overcome with help from a coach or mentor. There is no medical degree needed to get your career back on track.

Career Burnout Can Be Overcome

  1. ASK YOURSELF “what do I want in my career? How do I bring back the passion in my day job? Does my current role align with my overall career goals?” Be honest with yourself and list all your expectations. Be realistic and don’t overreach.
  2. MAKE A LIST OF 10 THINGS  Put in writing the top 10 things you want to change about your current role. Evaluate whether these things can be group together to form 5 goals. Then assess whether you can achieve them in your current situation or if a new job is needed.
  3. STAY IN THE KNOW Join a paralegal association or hire a career coach or do both to help you stay up on the industry’s changes. Do something to expand your skillset. Keep your mind energized. Sign up for a CLE – Look for ways to learn other techniques to handle some of your work tasks.
  4. NETWORK Put yourself out there. Actively engage with your peers. Again, this is where membership to a paralegal association can help. Attend a monthly town hall meeting with one of your favorite paralegal associations. If you’re a lawyer, go where other lawyers go to get energized by other lawyers – the ABA.

You do not have to suffer through career burnout alone – Best Virtual Paralegal LLC is here to help you every step of the way. Sign up for a free 30-minute career strategy session to get your career back on track and receive 6 more tips for overcoming career burnout!


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