Self-care for Legal Professionals

Holly Sheriff MSLS • April 11, 2021

Self- Care Tips for Attorneys and Paralegals From Best Virtual Paralegal LLC

Self-care for legal professionals is a new perspective for many of us. Legal professionals must approach self-care with the same drive and dedication as they do their cases. It is so easy to get in the “zone” or stuck in a rut. Give yourself a mental break. Give yourself a gift—work self-care into your daily dedication routine.

Here are some of my favorite self-care recommendations as a life coach for legal professionals:

  1. Take a different route to work. Take a more scenic route. Get out of the car and walk around outdoors before you start your workday. For those of you still working from home, go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Take a walk around the block. Use the time you would typically commute to enjoy the outdoors.
  2. Media-Less (device-free) Mornings: Many experts agree that the first hour of our day sets the day. Resist the urge to grab your phone, tablet, or iPad. Grab a bible, journal, or book instead. Read inspirational stories or words, and then take a few moments to write down your thoughts. You can do this at the coffee pot. Fill your mind with positive thoughts as you fill your coffee cup. Don’t touch a device until your workday has officially started. And remember, don’t touch your phone, email, or computer during lunch.
“Power down at lunchtime so your mind can power up.”
Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC


  1. Every day you have the power to reboot your life. It’s a choice. You can be grumpy, or you can be happy. Ok, so it sounds easier than it is. When struggling with choosing or struggling with your mood, create a good mood jar. Take a mason jar or any clear jar, write down one positive thing about yourself, and put it in the jar. You may find you need a good mood jar at work and home. When you start the good mood activity, your realignment activity will be to write one positive sentence on a sticky note and place it in the jar every time your mood shifts to a negative thought. This takes little time, and it will shift your thoughts towards positive thinking. Once the jar is full of positive affirmations about yourself – all you must do when slipping into a negative mindset is open the jar and read one or two of the affirmative. The one or two minutes it takes to read the affirmations is just enough for most people to reset their minds.
  2. If you leave work early because you can because you are the boss, give your staff the same gift. When you leave early, make it count emotionally. Close the office and go outside. Stop by a park and sit and enjoy the view. Clear your mind and visualize what you want out of life, what you want next week, next month, and even next year. Listen to your heart. If you’re religious, listen to God’s whispers. Ok, so God can whisper to us in the office, in the car, and everywhere. But the point is you want to realign your body, mind, and spirit.
  3. Cut the noise and negativity from your day. This is not being selfish. If it does not bring you positivity, profits, and joy, cut it loose. With this said, I am not suggesting you fire all your staff or cut ties with a vendor. Be intelligent and kind to your connections and ask, listen, learn, and if they still do not align with your positive plan, then let them go. If you must cut ties with a staff member or a vendor, do it with grace. Write them a recommendation or give them a positive review on Yelp or LinkedIn highlighting the things you liked about them. Just because they are not a right fit for you doesn’t mean they are bad at what they do – it just means they are not the staff or vendor for you.

Self-care does not only fit in on Saturday or Sunday

Self-care does not only fit in on Saturday or Sunday; it needs to put the dead center at the beginning, middle, and at the end of your day. To be dedicated to your client, you must take care of yourself. It would be best if you were as dedicated to self-care as much as you are committed to your clients.

Sometimes it is easy to feel obligated to stay connected with your office, clients, staff, and social media connection; you overwhelm yourself. We are so overwhelmed with ways to communicate. Technology was supposed to make our lives easier has through all the texts, emails, DMs, voicemails, PM, LinkedIn , Facebook, and Twitter notifications have us a slave to devices. Self-care for some people can be as simple as limiting how you allow other people to communicate with you. You set the tone for how people treat you. Treat yourself with love and kindness.

“Never be afraid to rest during the day.”

Final Thoughts


“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” ~ MARY ENEGELBREIT

If you struggle with self-care, try changing the way you think about it. Self-care is the energy you need to continue to be devoted to your family, children, and clients. If you love your family, your career, and your client, then self-care is a must. Remember, you are not alone in your struggles to maintain self-care. Embrace editing out some harmful habits and prioritize self-care into your daily routine.

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