Do You Have Pain Points You Need to Solve?

Holly Sheriff MSLS • May 1, 2021

Originally Published Tuesday, January 15, 2019, | Updated May 1, 2021


Do you have pain points you need to solve? Do you have a topic you find particularly interesting? Chances are if you want to learn something or have a struggle as an attorney, paralegal, paralegal student, or law student, so do other professionals.
Here is your chance not to hold back –tell us your biggest pain points! We want to hear what holds you back from achieving work-life balance, practice growth, and or career advancement?

Got Pain Points BVPLLC 2019 rev 2021
How We’ll Use Your Pain Points

We hate to vague but, how we’ll use your pain points will depend upon the complexity of the topic and other variables. Usually, we will post the answer right here on our blog and our newsletter as an advice column entry. Think of it as a “Dear Abby” entry for the legal industry.
We may create a seminar or on-demand course, ebook, or other publication for more complex topics or questions.

To Submit Your Pain Point

To submit your suggestion topic or pain point , send an email or post a comment to this post containing the following information:

  • Your name or social ID
  • Where you work or live within the United States
  • Your email address (optional)
  • Your suggestions or topic
  • If you submit multiple topics, please let us know the priority of each subject (i.e., first priority, second priority, and third priority.

If you provide the proper consent, we’ll give you credit as a contributor. Should you want complete anonymity, please let us know.

Final Thoughts

Best Virtual Paralegal LLC is all about focusing our content on pain point discovery so that we can present you with the best solutions possible! Whether you are a firm owner or an employee, we want to hear from you! Your pain points are our business. We will help you solve your biggest pain points with:

  • workflows and processes;
  •  team-building efforts and strategies;
  • case management and back-office logistics; and 
  •  career and leadership paths.

Take the next steps! Let’s connect and have a relaxed, insightful chat about where you are and where you want to grow! 

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