The perfect sales pitch

Holly Sheriff MSLS • July 19, 2020
For Freelance Paralegals

The Perfect Sales Pitch – Follow us on Facebook @bvparalegalcoach

The perfect sales pitch is more than write a compelling copy on paper. Writing a persuasive pitch is less than half the battle. You can have an impressive pitch on paper and still fail at converting your prospect into a buying client.

Here are our favorite tips for developing and delivering the perfect sales pitch.

1. Tell a story. Hook your prospective client by telling them a compelling story about what you do, why you do it, and what is in it for them.
2. Make sure your pitch clearly defines a problem your services solve.
3. Back your solution up with facts – past successes.
4. Prospects expect sales pitches to be highly personalized, too. Take the time to learn what your ideal client wants from you. Include key solutions in your pitch.
5. Don’t just have one pitch. Create multiple pitches based on your ideal clients, your most popular services, your generic client base.
6. Keep your overall pitch short —30-seconds or less.
7. Less pitching. More conversations. A winning sale pitch is a dialog, not a speech.
8. Practice, practice, practice. – Memorize your pitch – Build up your confidence by practicing your pitch in front of the mirror.
9. Don’t be shy to ask for the sale. Ask for the business with a creative call to action!
10. Don’t forget to follow-up. Do more here. Go above and beyond your competition.

At the end of the day, the perfect freelance paralegal sales pitch needs to focus on the solution you are offering. The entire conversation from beginning to end needs to be client-focused, not “you-focused.”

Need help with your sales pitch? Got questions or comments? Contact  Us , we would love to hear from you! Call Holly @717.747.3588 for a free consultation!

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