Be a leader in unpredictable times

Holly Sheriff MSLS • June 30, 2020

Photo Credit: Story Blocks

Being a leader in the unpredictable times we live in is hard work. With the COVID-19 pandemic happening, our priority is to stay safe. We want to ensure our family, friends, and employees stay healthy.  As business leaders, we’re all scared, we’re feeling out of touch with our clients, followers, and family members. Many of us are afraid our door must close in the months to come.

And we’re all afraid to promote our services because we don’t want to appear insensitive to what people are going through. The last thing we want to do is add to the panic of the pandemic. News flash being a leader is hard work even under the best of circumstances.

In times of uncertainty, something happens inside the brains of leaders. Leaders can either freeze and put a halt to actionable items or they can transform the climate of their surroundings into engaging excellence. Which type of leader are you?

Be the leader your kids in your life want you to be

I urge you to be the leader the kids in your life want you to be. Use this time to make a difference in people’s lives. Instead of looking at what other people in your industry are doing or not doing, remember everyone is scared, unmotivated, overwhelmed, or lost in their own fears. People are waiting for you to be the leader, the children in your life want to be.
Seriously, people of all ages, sometimes need other people to step up and promote hope, happiness, joy, and expertise. Fear can be paralyzing to even the best leaders.

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Listen, transform, and be kind

Emerging as an exceptional leader in unpredictable times is easier than you think. Do what you do well, guide your friends, family, employees, clients, and followers to the next destination – recovery after the storm.

  • Address the fear by transforming it into an engaging time of exploration.
  • Don’t make promises you can keep.
  • Ask questions engaging and thought provoking.
  • Reinforce that it is ok to take a break from social media, the news, and COVID-19 pandemic updates.
  • Share resources that will help your connections thrive in times of uncertainty.
  • Focus your attention on starting conversations, speak of relevant areas of expertise.
  • Don’t just click like on other people’s social posts. Like it, comment on it, and share it.
  • You do not understand what their business is going through.
  • Help boost their engagement by keeping the conversation going. Your social media likes, comments, and shares, maybe the only positive thing to happen to them that day.

Therefore, strap on your thinking cap! It is time to get to work. Stop wondering about what you can do and just do what all influential leaders do. Listen, transform, and be kind .

Need more leadership inspiration? Call or text Best Virtual Paralegal LLC (717) 747-3588, we’d be happy to help!

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