Sharing Your Blog on Social Media

Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS • August 30, 2021

Marketing Minutes for Legal Professionals: Answering a Reader’s Question

How do you introduce a new blog? A reader's question

Cindy: “How do you introduce a new blog on social media?”

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your question! How to share your new blog on social media is a frequently asked question for many new bloggers. Although all blogging experts agree to achieve the best result, posting regularly is vital. However, I am a realist, and this is real life, so the truthful answer is: 

  1. Be patient, kind, and authentic with yourself.
  2. Do little soul search aimed to understanding “why you don’t post blogs on a regular basis. 
  3. Although most marketing experts agree, posting constantly is vital to the success of your blog, its not the end of the world if you must work up to posting on a regular basis. Blogging is hard work. It takes time to form good habits. 
  4. It’s ok, if you use your blog as a personal diary. But if you don’t share your blog with others your message will never be heard. Sharing your blog on social media will probably be the best way to promote and announce your blog.
  5. Avoid over sharing your blog on your personal page. One of the mistakes made by new bloggers is they overshare their blog post on their personal pages. Unless you’re connected with a lot of clients on your personal page, you should avoid posting every blog post to your personal page.

We chat about#life #love #laughter #lawyers #attorneys #paralegals #careers #purpose #mindset #attorneysupport #wheelchairs #entrepreneurs #attorneypanicbutton #worklifebalance #familylaw #discovery #litigation #workflow #research


New Leveraging social media to promote your blog is easier than you think.

You should create intentional engaging posts that mention specific posts. For example, you can say something like, “Discover ways to announce your blog in our latest post”, followed by a shorten link to your post.


Sharing your blog posts to social media is a big step! You should pause a moment and celebrate a win: you have a blog! You did it! Social media is a great way to share blog content in a friendly way as well as engage with clients.  Don’t forget to research when your readers are online and post a new article during those times!

Hi there!

Hi there! I'm Holly A. Sheriff, coffee-loving Christian wife, bonus mom of 5, veteran marketer, virtual paralegal, certified life, career, business empowering coach, & professional photographer 30+ years!), awarding-winning paralegal & motivational speaker, business consultant, & founder of Best Virtual Paralegal LLC. I love to help attorneys and paralegals build thriving careers and businesses. I would love to chat with you and answer your question!    


This post does not provide legal or medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only.  It should not be construed as medical or legal advice about one specific person or situation. This post is not a substitute for professional licensed medical or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore seeking medical treatment or legal advice for a medical or legal issue because of something you have read on the Best Virtual Paralegal site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911. If you think you have a legal issue, you should consider seeking the advice of a licensed attorney of your own choosing.

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