Do You Need a Nudge—or a Nap?

Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS • September 2, 2021

So many paralegals struggle with differentiating between knowing when they are tired of knowing whether they don’t want to do something. On the one hand, self-care and listening to our bodies when we’re tired are essential. But on the other hand, sometimes for some folks use self-care as an excuse to avoid crucial obligations. So how do we know when to push through versus when to rest? Sleep is not a thing that you can successfully skip. You might be able to move through a certain number of years in your younger life, but most people pay the price for this decision.

Sleep is a time when we recover when our cells map out what happened during the day. There are massive amounts of brain activity that occur when we close our eyes. We provide the foundation for insight and work when we get enough sleep — not the reverse. Proper rest, however, lets our brains and our minds reboot. This might mean that you take a day to binge-watch television, or it might mean that you need to make some more active steps in your rest and recovery:

• Journaling

• Taking time away from your job or work

• Booking a massage or bodywork

• Taking a bath, going for a soak, trying afloat

• Going away for a weekend

• Spending quality time with friends

• Letting the calendar or the agenda go to the wayside

• Saying no when we’d regularly say yes (or vice versa).

When you might need more rest

When you are working towards a big long-term goal or a goal that requires much work on new things, you may find you need more rest. It feels uncomfortable to do things differently than we’ve done them before. Something might come up that chases us back to our bad habits. Things might come up.

You’re designing a life that takes you where you want to go, that’s steady, that’s consistent, that has a purpose, which has direction. Along the way, you’re cutting back and trimming out anything that doesn’t work for you. You’re experimenting and iterating. And you’ll learn when to push and when to rest.

How do you know when it’s procrastination? 

People procrastinate for different reasons. Some people procrastinate because they are addicted to the deadline panic attacks. Some people procrastinate because of fear. And in other people, it’s more medical such as a product of a more serious medical condition such as depression, ADHD, or social anxiety.  Sometimes it is hard to tell why a person procrastinates. If you are unsure of the reason you have for being disinterested in things you used to love, you may want to consider seeking the advice of your family doctor — Never ignore seeking medical treatment.

Meet Holly!

Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC, CCC, PCC, LPCC, CPP is an experienced paralegal and transformation coach. She has a distinguished background working with boutique law firms, solo practitioners, and paralegals in traditional and virtual settings. She maintains a 98% success rate by helping clients create the thriving practices and careers they want by reducing panic and simplifying workflows. Mrs. Sheriff is currently accepting new clients who want to build and grow successful careers and practices. 

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