Writing A Short Content Copy

Holly Sheriff MSLS • July 29, 2018

Short Copy Header BVPLLC As a content writer, I am always asked, to whip up a quirky, short, eye-catching copy for a tweet, blog headline or Facebook for my colleagues and friends.  The question usually sounds something like this, “Hey, can you whip up a funny or catchy one-liner for me? Just a couple of words — how hard can that be?”

However, as most content writers will tell you writing a short copy is hard.  You have less space to convey and support your idea.  Content writing, whether it is for a tweet, Facebook, website, blog or headline is different from legal writing.  As an experienced content writer, I have learned a few invaluable tips.

Tips for writing short content copies

Write a more extended version of your content copy as the first draft.  Writing a long piece of content is easier than a writing a short zinger piece.  Your first draft of any content copy should be longer than the intended final draft.

Use your longer content copy

Use your larger content to:

  • explain your thought process to your editor;
  • help define the short content copy’s final message;
  • inspire future content; and
  • develop a series of on-going publications.

Images are prime real estate with your content copy

Take advantage of the photos in all your content. Make sure your pictures speak to your audience.  Well-selected images should be ones that draw attention to your content copy.  Try to avoid busy, flashy, and complicated pictures.

The perfect images can:

  • visually help you tell a story;
  • pique the interest of new readers; and
  • complement your headline or short copy’s central

Writing is hard. Writing a short copy is even harder. The next you want to sit down and work on developing a short content copy – stop over thinking – sit down and write. Don’t worry about the character limit when you are writing.  Work on shorting your content in your final draft. The more you write, the better you will become at shortening and strengthen your content.

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