How to Start a Blog

Holly Sheriff MSLS • December 26, 2019

How to Start A Blog – Best Virtual Paralegal Business Building Month 2019 -2020

Starting a blog can intimidate and overwhelm beginners.  As part of our building business theme for the last week of December and the entire month of January, we’ve answered a question from a client. In this quick post, we’ll explain what a blog is, how it can help your overall marketing strategy, and how easy to start a blog.

What is a blog?

A blog is a website or a page of a website that focuses on providing your visitors with written content. Posts are usually short easy reads aimed at sharing your knowledge on an issue or theme of topics in your industry.

How a blog can help your marketing efforts

Here are a few of our favorite ways a blog can help your marketing efforts:

  1. Blogs help with SEO.  As most of us are aware, Google crawls sites for new content–your blog is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to add new content to your site. Generating internet buzz about your services is always a good thing, and if you can do it at a low cost, that’s the icing on the cake.
  2. Blogs are great for forming personal connections with your prospective clients, followers, and fans. Moreover,  posts are also a great way to position your company as an influencer and expert in your field.
  3. If you’re a new company, a blog can help you build trust & recognition. If you are an established firm, your post can help you maintain a solid reputation as a great resource in your niche.

An excellent blog is a great way to keep your current and prospective clients up to date with what is happening with your firm.

How to start a blog

Learn how to add a blog to your website following these steps:


  • Create a publishing schedule. Think of your blog in terms of “monthly or weekly issues” and plan accordingly. Companies who post a new article 3-4 times a week are successful.  Don’t rush the publishing schedule and planning phase of your blog.
  • Create a content list of topics.
    Create a master list of keywords. Align your keyword from your website to your list of topics
  • Using your publishing schedule, calculate how many articles or posts you will need to write for the entire month and year.
  • Create Hashtags and category tags for each post you write. If you need a little more help to develop your tag, CoSchedule published a great blog about How To Choose The Perfect Blog Categories. 
  • Create a theme for each month of the year and align your topics, hashtags, categories, and supportive social media content with your chosen subjects.

SideBar Note: wait to determine categories until the articles are ready to post.  Beginners might want to add the development of hashtags and categories to the planning phase of Starting a Blog.

 Write Your Posts

After you have a solid publishing plan, a keyword list, and a list of solid topics, start writing your posts and articles. Here are a few writing tips:

  • Sit down and write.
  • You ‘ll want to write ahead. Having a reserve of articles will help you maintain your publishing schedule.
  • Determining how long each post depends on which SEO Expert you ask. Some experts will have the opinion that “300 to 500 words are best”. Others will tell you “1,000 to 2000 is best.”
  • For Beginners, start out with what you are the most comfortable. We find that the length of our blogs highly depends on the subject or topic. Start smart, write the minimum 300 to 500 words for Google, and don’t overuse your keyword or words.

PRO TIP: Posts written like you are having a conversation with your audience tend to perform better for attracting new readers and followers. Avoid using legal jargon and a highly technical tone.

Add your Blog to website – Final Step

The final step to adding your posts to an existing website can be the most challenging for beginners.

Adding a blog to an existing site depends on the platform you used to build your site. Most platforms allow the end-user to simply add a “Posts page”.

Thanks for reading today’s brief How-To post. If you still need help getting your creative juices flowing contact us , we’ll be happy to help you! Until next time, blog more panic less!

The post How to Start a Blog appeared first on Best Virtual Paralegal, LLC.

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