Costly Compromised Clouds

Holly Sheriff MSLS • June 3, 2021
In Tech News Immediate Release 
 By Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC, CCC 

In Tech News BVPLLC The Ponemon Institute released its annual report on or around May 31, 2021, least that when it showed up in my rollcall of security reports. I just finished reading the entire report. Sadly, I was a little surprised by its findings.

In its annual report, Ponemon Institute found that compromised cloud systems such as Google Workspaces and Microsoft 365 cost companies an average of $6.2 million each year (2021, pp.17-18). That’s a staggering number. However, what is even more alarming is the way it happens. For example, 51% of the companies surveyed say phishing is still the most popular method of attack used.

What’s the law firm takeaway?

As much as lawyers love to email clients, staff, and contractors, firms must embrace the idea of offering email training.  Email and cloud safety is essential for working virtually. If you do not, you could be putting your law firm at unnecessary risk. In addition, the issue is complicated by apps. IT professionals warn that each time you or your employees use an unauthorized app, the chances of your law firm being breached increase.

Bottom line: The weakest link in your cloud is the people on your team using poor email security hygiene. The weakest link in email safety is untrained end-users. So, ironically, the first defense against compromised cloud systems and email security is training your people. Cloud computing and email communications are here to stay. Generally, working in the clouds can be affordable, safe, and efficient. Yet, it only takes one email to bankrupt a solo firm.

What can law firms do to reduce their risks?

The most affordable and the most effective way to mitigate your law firm’s risk of costly compromised cloud systems is by facilitating an honesty, open, and two-way (H.O.T.) conversation. It would help if you had a conversation with your in-house staff, remote staff, and contractors (“team”). By engaging your team in open conversations, you are one step closer to finding a training solution that will help you bridge the gaps.

For more information about creating an engaging educational email and cloud safety awareness kit, please feel free to contact us! We are happy to help!

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