Adobe Leaks 7.5 million Creative Cloud User Information

Holly Sheriff MSLS • October 26, 2019
In Tech News – October 25, 2019

Adobe leaks nearly 7.5 million Adobe Creative Cloud user information. Accounts exposed on the internet when an employee left a database open to the internet without a password.  Details leaked are said, not to include” passwords or financial information”.

Exposed information included: email addresses, member IDs, country of origin, products used, account creation date, the last date of member login. And whether the account belonged to an Adobe employee, subscription, and payment status.

In a security blog post , the cloud-based software company blamed the incident on a misconfiguration to one of its “prototype environments”. This led to the server becoming exposed on the internet. In its’ statement the company suggests creative cloud customers with any questions or concerns to contact them. The company secured the leak on the same day the incident was reported.

Adobe Suggests

Furthermore, the company suggests users should:

1. Heighten  their guard against phishing scams;
2. Login to Adobe account and change password; and
3. Change  user ID.

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