8 Goals-Setting Strategies to Help You Succeed!

By: Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC, CCC • January 3, 2022

Goal setting in 2022 is a hot topic. This is because goal setting can be beneficial for achieving a deeper level of success. However, it can also prove ineffective if you don't understand a goal-setting process that works for you. 

In 2022, here are 8 goals-setting strategies to help you succeed!

  1. Make Sure Your Goals Motivate You - If you can't motivate yourself with the goal itself, try focusing on the benefits of reaching the goal instead. It would be helpful to find a way to motivate yourself to keep striving towards your goals. You can look at small steps or dream about the big picture. Keep working toward the goal in small, daily actions.
  2. Set SMART Goals - Many people do not know how to create goals that work. Learn how to set SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable (or Actionable), Realistic, and Timely. Making sure your plans meet these criteria will help you achieve them.
  3. Don't rely on yourself to remember your goals - Write them down. Take notes every single time. Then, plan what you will do each day to work toward your goal on a calendar in chronological order.
  4. You won't be successful if you don't take action on your plans. Let's face it. If you want to set goals that work for you, you need a plan of action to reach those goals. It won't happen without a plan because it's only a dream until you follow it.
  5. Focus on what you can control - There are so many things in life that you cannot control. 
  6. Knowing yourself can help you leverage your strengths and practice skills to improve your weaknesses. A convenient way to accomplish this is to take a free personality test. This is based on the Myers Briggs Type Personality Indicator, which has a long history of effectiveness.
  7.   Understanding how to write long  and short term goals that will support each other. Attaining a client satisfaction rate of at least 95 percent would be an example of a long-term goal. A supporting short-term goal might be to redesign the client service research process to include updated questionnaires and incentives, such as monthly drawings for free products or discounts on future purchases for those who respond to the questionnaires.
  8. It's essential to evaluate continually - Just because you create steps to reach a goal, it doesn't mean that it's going to work. It's wise to evaluate whether or not you are actually moving toward your goals every day so you can adjust if necessary. You did not fail; it simply means that your steps need to be adjusted.

Setting goals is a very effective way to ensure you experience the success you want. Goals can be set for both your personal and professional lives. To begin, you must first identify your goals and make a plan that works for you.

Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC, CCC

Holly A. Sheriff, MSLS, MCC, CCC, PCC, LPCC, CPP, is a paralegal and certified empowered action coach who specializes in accountability, focused action, and goal achievement. Holly's holistic approach provides her clients with clarity, direction, and positive support. Her mission is to help clients live their best lives by bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

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